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Live demonstrations

Using hands-on demonstration systems, Afriso is showcasing, for example, the ways displays and the company’s Watchdog alarm units work together in systems requiring level measurement (photo), from continuous monitoring to event reporting. Another nuts-and-bolts demonstration system will show how the new AG 10 Ex alarm unit can be used to continuously monitor the pressure status of gas-filled containers, such as cylinder batteries or cylinder bundle systems. Proper operation of the system can be checked at all times by pressing the Test key. Alarms are triggered by a pressure gage with electrical contacts. The alarm threshold can be set to any required value from 5 to 95 % of the pressure gage range by means of the contact arm of the pressure gage. An event-reporting system can be connected to the relay output of the alarm unit for remote monitoring.

Afriso Euro-Index

Achema: Hall 11.1, Stand E86

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New filtration technology for highly corrosive media

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