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Jet milling without pre-crushing

Particle-size control
Jet milling without pre-crushing

Jet milling without pre-crushing
Microburst jet mill Picture: Hosokawa Alpine

Hosokawa Alpine AG has developed a new jet mill where coarser products can also be added without pre-crushing. The company named the spiral jet mill Alpine Microburst (AMB) after a weather phenomenon. Even fibrous products, which previously could only be crushed with great effort or hardly at all, can now be finely milled with the AMB. In contrast to traditional spiral jet mills, its large, central inlet allows more coarsely ground products to be processed directly. Up to now, this required pre-crushing. While the AFG is an ideal solution for a steep particle size distribution, the AMB offers a compact solution with lower investment costs and a simple process.

Hosokawa Alpine AG

Achema: Hall 4.1, Stand F37

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