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Intrinsically safe mobile devices

Safe use in hazardous areas
Intrinsically safe mobile devices

Intrinsically safe mobile devices
A whole range of intrinsically safe devices Source: i.safe Mobile

The range of i.safe Mobile mobile-communication devices, such as mobile phones, smartphones, tablet PCs and more, is designed for safe use in hazardous areas and for robust use in industry and outdoors. The latest developments comprise the new 10.1″ Windows and Android tablet IS940.1/IS945.1, the 5G radio IS440.1, the Realwear Navigator Z1, the 5G smartphone IS540.x, the industrial smartwatch IS-SW1.1 and the Inspection System Valve Sense IS- VS1A.1.

Among the highlights is the IS-VS1A.1 — a mobile-inspection system for leak detection in valves. It combines high-quality acoustic emission sensors with the 5G smartphone IS540.1 and the software of i.safe Mobile’s partner, Senseven (Hall 11.1, Booth G61). Intuitive operation, automatic leak detection, structured data management and a high-quality processor for fast data processing make it a unique maintenance tool in demanding industrial environments.

Another highlight is the IS-SW1.1 – the world‘s first explosion-protected industrial smartwatch for ATEX/IECEx zones 1/21. It can be used in a highly flexible way for employee safety and organization in the company. Coupled via Bluetooth with the company’s devices, it functions as a supplementary hand-free display for important messages and measured values. The IS-SW1.1 enables vital signs to be monitored, an emergency call to be made with GPS location.

i.safe Mobile

Achema: Hall 11.1, Stand B26

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