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Inline refractometers

Concentrations in real time
Inline refractometers

Inline refractometers
Process refractometer also for agressive liquids Picture: Vaisala

The Polaris is Vaisala’s latest-generation process refractometer platform, which is designed to optimise processes, conserve resources, save energy, and enhance productivity and product quality. Polaris seamlessly integrates liquid and gas measurement possibilities, making it uniquely versatile. It works seamlessly with Vaisala’s Indigo520 transmitters for process refractometers, providing more choices to users. These process refractometers can measure various liquid concentrations through refractive index – inline, and in real time. Applications include evaporation, distillation, fermentation, blending, filtration, crystallisation, interface detection, dilution, extraction, and more.


Achema: Hall 11.1, Stand C76

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