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Horizontal peeler centrifuge

Multi-purpose system
Horizontal peeler centrifuge

Horizontal peeler centrifuge
The Bluetector centrifuge Source: Heinkel

Heinkel Process Technology will be presenting its Bluetector horizontal peeler centrifuge in size 1250 live at Achema. The industry specialist will be showcasing the product’s patented housing design, as well as all-electric, hydraulic oil-free drive concepts. The highly flexible centrifuge is ideal for efficient continuous manufacturing processes in 24/7 mono-production, as well as for operation as a multi-purpose system.

The new peeler ensures low-shear and gentle product discharge, offering maximum flexibility for the discharge process, as the parameters can be variably adjusted depending on the product and process requirements. This refers both to the variability between different recipes and within a recipe. Thanks to the intuitive user interface, the operator can adapt the parameters in real-time. It is easy to realise sampling and batch subdivision, for barrel filling, for example. The design of the peeler also protects the discharge screw from contamination, which in turn supports the high product quality.

The hydraulic oil-free, all-electric discharge process, which includes removal and emptying, not only ensures low energy consumption, but also provides a hygienic process environment. The integrated, fully automatic cleaning system (CIP) minimises cycle times and ensures productivity and product quality in the same way.

Because of the innovative drive concepts, the Bluetector peeler centrifuge can realise energy savings of approximately 50 000 kWh per year — even in hazardous areas up to Atex zone 1. The elimination of hydraulic oil and drive belts means optimised cleanliness and ease of maintenance. A slidable machine cover protects the technical areas of the machine, facilitates maintenance work, reduces noise emissions and ensures a safe working environment for the machine operator.

The patented and optimised housing shape permits efficient filtrate drainage through the rear wall without any additional guidance for the liquid. When flooding, up to 35 % less cleaning fluid and correspondingly less filling time is required due to the shape of the housing, which results in reduced batch times.

Heinkel Process Technology

Hall 6.0, Stand C49

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