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Heat slurries without fouling

Heat slurries without fouling

Heat slurries without fouling
Non-Obstructing Heater from Hydro-Thermal Picture: Hydro-Thermal

The Non-Obstructing Heater (NOH) has a straight-tube design that allows for unrestricted flow, prevents pressure drop, and heats slurries without plugging or fouling, according to developer Hydro-Thermal Europe. The NOH’s rugged design and construction materials enable it to handle viscous slurries, as well as particulate-filled products, abrasive/corrosive substances and stringy products, the company says. Inline water heating abilities are also possible with the NOH. Compared to other heating systems, the NOH utilises a smaller footprint, with direct installation into the existing system piping — and does not require special tools for maintenance. Models range in size from DN 50 to DN 300, with volume capabilities that reach up to 1567.2 m3/h. Hydro-Thermal is a global leader in on-demand steam-injection fluid heating, cooking and processing systems. These heating systems are the most reliable, durable solution for heating water and slurries with instant and precise temperature control.

Hydro-Thermal Europe

Achema: Hall 6.1, Stand A100

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