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Filter with packed glass beads

Available in different fineness levels
Filter with packed glass beads

The Bloom Absolute Filter has a unique filter medium, consisting of tiny glass beads in an ideal packing pattern. This patented filter matrix is available in different filtration fineness levels, ranging from 3 to 10 µm. In the Bloom Absolute Filter, perfectly round glass beads are arranged in a precise geometry with well-defined gaps and smooth, hydrophilic surfaces.

A common processing challenge involves constantly clogged filter cartridges, requiring frequent changes, which lead to operational interruptions and significant waste from used filter cartridges. The Bloom Absolute Filter offers a defined filtration fineness and enables fully automatic operation. The savings and benefits for the user are manifold: labor cost savings, no operational interruptions, and a considerable reduction in waste generated by used filter cartridges.

In addition to this product presentation, Jiarong will also be showcasing other technologies, such as the following:

  • Energy-optimised, and waste-reducing fully automatic pre-filtration solutions
  • Membrane Technology in the form of a variety of MF (microfiltration), UF (ultrafiltration), NF (nanofiltration), and RO (reverse osmosis) membranes.
  • Evaporator Technologies designed for maximum efficiency and performance.


Achema: Hall 9.0, Stand F43

Current Whitepaper

New filtration technology for highly corrosive media

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