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Engineering platform for the entire plant lifecycle

Improved data visualisation
Engineering platform for the entire plant lifecycle

Seamless collaboration in multidisciplinary teams is fundamental to the successful completion of plant engineering projects. These requirements formed the basis for the further development of Cadison for its newest version, R23. The engineering platform is applicable throughout the entire plant lifecycle. During planning, a smooth exchange of information with project participants who are not working with the engineering solution is crucial. Plant designers must be able to easily share the project status and obtain feedback and approvals in a straightforward manner. The following innovations support these requirements.

In Cadison, all data converges into a single database during planning and throughout the entire lifecycle, creating a so-called Single Source of Truth. This data-driven and integrated approach promotes seamless collaboration among the various involved disciplines, the central data is accessible to all project partners at any time and is updated in real-time. Additionally, this way of working allows for the synchronisation of P&ID and 3D, reports can be generated with a click, and integration with an ERP system supports in tendering, price calculation and provides information on delivery dates.

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