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Digitalisation of functional safety

Portfolio of solutions at Achema
Digitalisation of functional safety

Digitalisation of functional safety
Sergej Arent (left) and Jörg de la Motte (right) of Hima Picture: Hima

With a holistic portfolio of solutions for the digitalisation of a plant’s safety lifecycle, Hima has set out to significantly simplify the compliant operation of functional safety in the process industry. At Achema, Hima is not only showcasing its portfolio of safety-related automation solutions, but will also be using its presence in Frankfurt to demonstrate the next stage of its digitalisation strategy. Customers will be able to use secure connections to Hima‘s Customer Solutions Center to perform tasks such as simulating the control of safety systems, testing the automatic inventorying of their safety assets, or carrying out automatic recurrent tests. For example, they will be able to see how safety-relevant plant and operating data can be combined across site boundaries in order to meet the IEC 61511 standard‘s requirements in practice.

In live workshops, the health and status of products and solutions will be visible using video links. In this way, large plant components such as block valves for steam turbines, which would be too large to transport to Frankfurt or to customers, can be tested remotely with at least as much insight as an in-person test. Customers at distant locations can draw on the know-how of Hima experts who are connected from Brühl or Singapore.

Hima Paul Hildebrandt

Achema: Hall 11.1, Stand E26

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