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Diaphragm Pumps

Advanced motor technology
Diaphragm Pumps

Diaphragm Pumps
The NMP 850 pump is available with new drive technology Picture: KNF

The NMP series diaphragm pumps from KNF, including the NMP 820 and DC-BI versions of the NMP 830 and NMP 850 (photo) deliver flowrates up to 8.5 l/min, pressurse up to 3 bar and ultimate vacuum down to 55 mbars (abs.), depending on the specific configuration. The NMP 830.1.2 and NMP 850.1.2 configurations feature the latest DC-BI pump drive technology. These motors offer outstanding durability and are incredibly compact. KNF NMP 830 and NMP 850 series pumps provide the performance required for safety-critical systems, providing fast, reliable and accurate measurement results. New DC-BI motors allow for a compact and lightweight design with a long service lifetime.

KNF Neuberger

Achema: Hall 11.1, Stand E85

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