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Continuous mixing system

Continuous powder wetting speeds process
Continuous mixing system

Continuous mixing system
The Ystral Coflow Source: Ystral

To expand its machine portfolio, Ystral has developed the continuously operating Coflow. In the Coflow, solids and liquid components are introduced in controlled quantities via solids dosing units or a liquid pump and combined in a premixing zone with an oblique blade agitator. Fine dispersion then takes place using a rotor-stator system, whereby the stator can be designed with different slot widths depending on the application. An inducer installed between the premixing zone and the rotor-stator zone is effectuating a pressure increase. This change in pressure causes the air brought in with the powder to be separated, resulting in a lower residual air content in the product.

The Ystral Coflow is designed for a wide range of applications in various industries. The focus lies on products with powders that are easy to process and do not require post-dispersion, as well as users with a lean product portfolio or relatively few product changes. For the market launch, the Coflow-4 has a total capacity of 6000 to 13 500 kg/h.


Hall 6.0, Stand B49

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