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Continuous-flow platform

Available as Factory-as-a-Service model
Continuous-flow platform

Continuous-flow platform
Continuous Flow Manufacturing Platform is available as Factory-as-a-Service model Picture: Flownetics

Flownetics is unveiling the Continuous Flow Manufacturing Platform, an end-to-end performance system. With this modularly designed platform for the continuous integration of synthetic processes, through production to the end product, the window of many new possibilities for chemical production is opened. Continuous synthesis processes are now integrated with downstream purification steps at a commercial scale. The system effectively addresses previous industry challenges, with capabilities for throughput adjustments, impurity control and AI-assisted minimisation of process disturbances. the system is designed as a Factory-as-a-Service subscription offering. This model enables companies to utilise the most advanced continuous manufacturing technologies without having to invest in costly in-house equipment.

Flownetics Engineering

Achema: Hall 9.0, Stand E1

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