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Compressors for biogas applications

Blowers and Compressors
Compressors for biogas applications

Compressors for biogas applications
The oil-injected biogas compressors in the VMY series enable a final pressure of up to 24 bar g Picture: Aerzener Maschinenfabrik

Aerzen designed blower and compressor technologies for the biogas sector, whether producing biomethane, feeding it into kilometre-long supply networks or pre-pressure generation for block-type thermal power stations. Suitable for the different required suction and final pressures required for biogas processing, these new equipment include the VMX and VMY series of oil-injected screw compressors. The packages are characterised by maximum energy efficiency, system availability and service-friendliness, as well as a large variety of types and many available modification options. A particular advantage is the TÜV-certified explosion pressure shock resistance up to 12 bar. This means that the machines are also approved for operation in processes with internal Atex zone 1. The compressors work reliably in operation 24 hours per day.

VMX compressors are available in five sizes to handle volumetric flowrates ranging from 100 to 2500 m3/h at maximum pressures up to 15 bar. The system maximises its efficiency through optimised lubrication, cooling and rotor housing/sealing. The system is also compact and lightweight, which makes installation easier. Operation is low-vibration and low-noise.

The VMY series of compressors for biogas and landfill-gas handling consists of three sizes. These compressors are suitable for boosting the intake pressure of treatment plants for biogas or as an essential part of biogas injection plants. The VMY series can handle volumetric flowrates from 150 to 3000 m3/h at a maximum pressure of 24 bar. The compressors feature contact-free rotors, and require no timing gears. VMY biogas compressors have a variable volume control by means of hydraulically operated control flaps (gate control). All blowers and compressors can be used in hazardous areas Zone 1 and in Zone 2, as defined under Atex Directive, as well as the Machinery Directive, including the latest safety standard (EN 1012–3) and for Germany, the DVGW regulation.

Aerzener Maschinenfabrik

Achema: Hall 8.0, Stand D38

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