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Atex-compliant drives

Explosion protection
Atex-compliant drives

Atex-compliant drives
These drive units are protected against flammable gases and dust Picture: Getriebebau Nord

Flammable gases and dust in the chemical processing industries create serious safety risks. This company offers robust electric motors with powers ranging from 0.12 to 200 kW for applications that may be exposed to potentially flammable environments. The explosion-protected motors can be operated in category 2D or 3D dust atmospheres (Zones 21 and 22), as well as in category 2G or 3G gas atmospheres (Zones 1 and 2). They are also are approved according to ATEX and HazLoc standards. Additionally, the dust-protected motors feature the ignition protection category “Protection by enclosure” (tD). Depending on the requirements, the motors are available in the following ignition protection classes: increased safety (e); pressure-resistant encapsulation (d/de); and non-sparking design.

Getriebebau Nord

Achema: Hall 8.0, Stand B52

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