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Alloys for heat exchanger tubes

Corrosion and temperature resistant
Alloys for heat exchanger tubes

Alloys for heat exchanger tubes
SAF-3006 tubes Picture: Alleima

The Alleima product portfolio includes hydraulic and instrumentation tubes, heat exchanger tubes, high-temperature tubing, seamless pipe, and solid and hollow bars, all meticulously crafted to meet the demands of the most challenging industrial applications. The latest advances in materials technology include the new SAF 3006 heat exchanger tube and Sanicro 35.

SAF 3006 is tailored to enhance corrosion resistance in acid and caustic environments. It’s the missing tool in your toolbox. Designed specifically for heat exchangers in the chemical and petrochemical industries, it’s a cost-effective alternative to austenitic stainless steels and nickel-based alloys. SAF 3006 offers all the benefits of a duplex steel (strength, lighter weight and cost-efficiency), but is designed to resist acids in heat exchangers, with or without seawater cooling.

Sanicro 35 super-austenitic stainless-steel alloy bridges material property gaps between super austenitic steel grades and more expensive high-nickel alloys. Developed for highly corrosive environments and containing 35 % nickel, it provides a high-performance alternative to conventional high-nickel alloys and super austenitic alloys.

Alleima Tube

Achema: Hall 4.0, Stand H46

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