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Chemical News

Structured Packings Clean Quickly and Effectively, While Saving Space
High cleaning performance for wet scrubbers

Plastic random packings are widely used in scrubbers for exhaust air purification, operating on the principles of absorption and desorption. However...

Corrosion and temperature resistant

Alloys for heat exchanger tubes

The Alleima product portfolio includes hydraulic and instrumentation tubes, heat exchanger tubes, high-temperature tubing, seamless pipe, and solid and hollow bars, all...

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Industrial lighting

Next-generation luminaire

The Zalux high-bay luminaires OREx G2 comprises ATEX and IECEx certifications. Building on the success of its predecessor, the OREx G2 offers several key enhancements...

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Gas analyzers

Decades of FTIR experience

The gas analyzer ACF5000, using Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, measures exhaust gases from industrial chimneys in chemical plants, waste incinerators...

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Trace gas analyzers

Monitoring air quality

Horiba Europe is launching its AP-380 series of analysers, catering to diverse air-quality monitoring needs. The AP-380 series offers a comprehensive lineup of five...

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Live demonstrations

Using hands-on demonstration systems, Afriso is showcasing, for example, the ways displays and the company’s Watchdog alarm units work together in systems requiring...

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Measurement and control

Radar liquid-level sensor

In addition to its pumps exhibited in Hall 8.0, Prominent is also demonstrating its role as a supplier of measuring and control technology. Visitors can see sensors that...

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Data centricity and modularization

Streamline and enhance collaboration

The Engineering Base cooperative platform provides a foundation for cooperative engineering — demonstrating how plants and various engineering disciplines can be...

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Vision Zero in chemical process engineering

Safe storage of hazardous materials

In chemical process engineering, numerous hazardous materials are used that can harm people and the environment. Vision Zero, which originally aimed for a world without...

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New filtration technology for highly corrosive media

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