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6 Innovation Themes and 5 Highlight Sessions

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6 Innovation Themes and 5 Highlight Sessions

ACHEMA fully integrates the congress into the exhibtion program. All lecture sessions will take place on the Innovation Stages directly in the exhibition halls or close to the exhibition groups. The six ACHEMA innovation themes form the thematic framework: #process, #pharma, #green, #lab, #digital and #hydrogen. The ACHEMA innovation themes offer solid insights into the most important innovation drivers in the process industries. Each topic will be highlighted on a dedicated live stage, as part of the comprehensive congress program.

#pharma: Pharma Innovation

The ZETA Pharma Innovation Stage in Hall 4.1 will cover biopharmaceutical production in addition to many other topics related to pharmaceutical production and packaging, which is also the focus of the Pharma Innovation Highlight Session on Monday, 10 June 2024 from 13:00 to 14:00: Under the title “Next generation pharma manufacturing – current advances in cell and gene therapy”, the Pharma Highlight Session will have a closer look on the centralised and decentralized production of cell therapeutics and the current challenges of translational research and the marketing of therapies.

#hydrogen: Hydrogen Innovation

The process industry stands like no other sector for the technological backbone of a functioning hydrogen economy: The Siemens Hydrogen Innovation Stage in Hall 6.0, the Special Show Hydrogen and numerous other exhibitors at ACHEMA will present the milestones of the hydrogen economy to date as well as future challenges. The Hydrogen Innovation highlight session “Hyperscaling hydrogen – turning strategy into reality “ on Tuesday, 11 June 2024 from 13:00 to 14:00 will deal with the central questions of the hydrogen ramp-up: What does hyperscaling mean for plant engineering, its suppliers and users? What investments and partnerships do we need for technology development and infrastructure?

#digital: Digital Innovation

Industry 4.0, artificial intelligence, autonomous systems, digital twins and, last but not least, cybersecurity: The Siemens Digital Innovation Stage in Hall 11.0 offers a comprehensive and practical overview of key digital trends and their use in the process industry. “For the process industry, ACHEMA is the key platform where innovation and practical application come together. We will show how Siemens is connecting the real world with the digital world to create a more sustainable future for our customers”, says Axel Lorenz, CEO Process Automation at Siemens. The Digital Innovation highlight session “Artificial intelligence and autonomous systems in the process industry” on Wednesday, 12 June 2024 from 13:00 to 14:00 will discuss the steps towards autonomous systems and explore the technological and cultural challenges that lie ahead.

#green: Green Innovation

The challenge of climate-neutral production in the process industries, the circular economy, the integration of molecular and industrial biotechnology, sustainable innovations and investments – these are the topics that are the focus of the EY Green Innovation Stage in Hall 6.0. “The chemical industry is looking to innovative technologies to bolster sustainability, such as green chemistry and circular economy practices. ACHEMA is a key platform for bringing industry experts together to address these challenges and foster innovation”, emphasizes Matthias Brey, Head of Sustainability Consulting Europe West at EY. In the Green Innovation highlight session “Beyond fossil fuels – exploring alternative carbon sources for a sustainable chemical industry”, on Thursday, 13 June 2024 from 13:00 to 14:00, experts from science and industry will discuss how fossil-free production can become a reality.

#process: Process Innovation

The GEA Process Innovation Stage in Hall 9.0 will focus on topics such as electrification, flexibilization and biotechnologization of chemical processes as well as contributions to smart digital technologies in plant construction and operation. In the Process Highlight Session “Nature as a role model – maximum resource efficiency in the chemical industry”, experts will discuss the vision of a fully resource-efficient chemical industry and its implementation. The Process Innovation highlight session will take place on Friday, 14 June 2024 from 12:00 to 13:00.

#lab: Lab Innovation

More than ever, success in the laboratory is determined by the technologies used in the laboratory and at the interfaces to engineering and production. This is the focus of the presentations on the Lab Innovation Stage in Hall 12.0. In addition to the Lab Innovation Stage, ACHEMA 2024 will also feature an action area dedicated to the digitalized, miniaturized and automated laboratory of the future. Besides innovative bioanalytics and (bio)pharmaceutical applications, sustainability as well as the planning, construction, equipment and operation of laboratories will also be highlighted. The latter is a particular focus in the SEFA Theatre of the Scientific Equipment and Furniture Association: at ACHEMA, it is the contact point for laboratory operators, architects, users and experts from the laboratory community who want to find out more about the laboratory-grade environment and gain insights into successful examples from around the world. br

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