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Liquid dosing systems

Plant Processing
Liquid dosing systems

Liquid dosing systems
Bronkhorst High-Tech have introduced an alternative way for liquid flow control. Instead of using a liquid flow meter with integrated control valve, this concept consists of a thermal or coriolis mass flow meter in combination with a close-coupled gear pump, covering ranges from 20 mg/h up to 600 kg/h. Flow control is achieved by utilising the integrated controller function on the pc-board of the liquid flow meter. The liquid dosing system accepts analog and RS232 setpoint as a standard and can optionally be equipped with various fieldbus interfaces. Applying a flow meter controlled pump eliminates the need to pressurise the liquid source with inert gas blanket or similar techniques. In addition to the Liqui-Flow pump for small flow ranges and low viscosities, a complete series of pumps is available for those applications which require higher flow rates, higher pressures, wide control ranges or aggressive fluids.

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