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Vertical pump for solids containing media

Achema Plant Processing
Vertical pump for solids containing media

Vertical pump for solids containing media
The RCEV metal pump is a base bearing-free design which is particularly suitable for conveying liquids containing solids Picture: Rheinhütte

With the RCEV vertical pump Rheinhütte offers a robust solution for heavy-duty applications in which corrosive and abrasive media need to be conveyed. The RCEV metal pump is a base bearing-free design which is particularly suitable for conveying liquids containing solids from containers or open sumps. The cantilever pump is designed without a foot sleeve bearing and has a free-flying shaft. The solid roller bearing is fitted above the sole plate. This means that no foot sleeve bearing wear or temperature increase occurs in the hydraulics. The maximum immersion depth of the RCEV pump is 2000 mm, but this can be extended if necessary by adapting a suction tube. The heavy chemical design with a double volute casing ensures that radial forces are kept to a minimum. The RCEV pump can be equipped with an open or closed impeller with front and back blades, depending on the application.


Online search: cpp0318rheinhütte

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