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Valve islands for water treatment

Achema Instrumentation & Automation
Valve islands for water treatment

Valve islands for water treatment
The valve island Airline type 8647 is commpatible with the I/O system Simatic ET 200SP Picture:  Bürkert

The valve islands Airline type 8652 and Airline type 8648 by Bürkert offer numerous adjustable monitoring and diagnostic functions. These functions improve system availability and process reliability, while at the same time enabling preventive maintenance. The valve islands are intended to be applied in water filtration processes such as ion exchange or reverse osmosis. The valve islands are equipped with an integrated display, which directly show key information, e. g. the current switching statuses or errors such as cable breaks. The elements communicate via a range of common field bus protocols, e.g. Ethernet/IP, Profinet IO and Profibus DP. If a high network availability is needed, the Media Redundancy Protocol from Profinet IO may be used. The valve islands comprise up to 64 hot-swappable valves. One-way valves provide additional safety, because they prevent pressure peaks in the vent line.


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