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User-Friendly Raman spectroscopic analyser

Continuous sample monitoring without the technical barriers
User-friendly Raman spectroscopic analyser

User-friendly Raman spectroscopic analyser
Raman spectroscopic analyzer from Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. offers rapid and accurate results without the need for sample preparation Picture: Thermo Fisher

The Thermo Scientific Ramina process analyser offers non-destructive and continuous analysis without the need for sample preparation, with rapid system setup and deployment in as little as 15 min to generate spectral data on target analytes within seconds. This compact system utilises a range of patented probes to maximise the speed and sensitivity of results, enabling fully automated in situ measurements to calculate concentrations in a reaction vessel.

The Ramina process analyser offers a rapid and easy-to-use alternative to offline manual or automated wet chemistry testing, and is simpler to install and use. It comes with everything the user needs to start collecting data, including a Raman spectrometer and fibre optic probe, as well as a portable monitor, mouse, keyboard and laser safety goggles. Factory calibration ensures the Ramina system is ready to use without delay.

Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., US-Waltham

Hall 4.1, Booth N50

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