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Ultrasonic clamp-on flow meter

Achema Instrumentation & Automation
Ultrasonic clamp-on flow meter

Ultrasonic clamp-on flow meter
The Dynasonics TFX-500w ultrasonic clamp-on flow meter from Badger Meter is a cost-effective solution for measuring water flow bi-directionally in a variety of applications Picture: Badger Meter
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The Dynasonics TFX-500w ultrasonic clamp-on flow meter from Badger Meter is a cost-effective solution for measuring water flow bi-directionally in a variety of applications. The meter resides outside the pipe and is compatible with a wide range of pipe sizes. It has no pressure head loss, no contact with internal liquid and no moving parts to maintain. The TFX-500w is quickly and easily installed without cutting or tapping process piping, and can be retrofitted in existing installations without shutting down system operations. It features a large, easy-to-read display, and provides Modbus RTU and BACnet MS/TP connectivity, as well as integrates with the Badger Meter Beacon and Aquacue Advanced Metering Analytics (AMA) cloud-based software suites. Programming of the meter is through the front panel or USB cable using Solocue configuration software. Available in sizes of 15 to 250 mm, and handling flow ranges of 0.1 to 44,700 l/min at temperature ranges of -40 to 121 °C, the TFX-500w is a versatile flow metering device that can be used in almost any industrial environment.


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