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Spray agglomeration

Achema Process Engineering
Spray agglomeration

Spray agglomeration
Visualisation of the compact Modflex system for spray agglomeration Picture: Glatt Ingenieurtechnik
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Glatt introduces the compact fluidised bed system Modflex for the continuous spray agglomeration of fine powders and powder blends. This system enables the production of uniformly porous, virtually dust-free, soluble and easy to dose granules. The system is specially designed for production volumes of 100 to 3000 kg/h. Thanks to its compact design with space-saving filters, it is particularly suitable for use in confined spaces or in rooms with low ceilings. Its installation times are reduced by more than a third. The Atex compliant, wash-in-place version allows semi- or fully automated, time-saving and effective cleaning operations, and explosive powders may be processed safely. Depending on the application, the spray nozzles can be supplied as either top or bottom spray versions.


Online search: cpp0318glatt

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