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Spectacle blinds with PFA lining

Achema Plant Processing
Spectacle blinds with PFA lining

Spectacle blinds with PFA lining
Onis Line Blinds‘ spectacle blinds can be operated by one person only Picture: Onis

Onis Line Blinds’ spectacle blinds can be operated by one person only, in just a few minutes without any tools. This is a great way to reduce maintenance costs, increase production time, improve safety by reducing exposure and minimise emissions during blinding operations. Thanks to Onis and Almarc combined experience, the blinds can now be integrated in a continuous PFA-lined solution for many typical applications found in chemical plants or the food industry. Compared to former assemblies with PTFE parts, the solution with a thick molded PFA layer guarantees a perfect continuous barrier between the mechanical parts and the media while ensuring leak-proof tightness.


Online search: cpp0318onis

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