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Single-use pharmaceutical separator

With the established technology of disc separators
Single-use pharmaceutical separator

Single-use pharmaceutical separator
GEAʼs kytero single use Pharma separator Picture: GEA

GEA’s kytero single-use pharma separator convinces with its high separation efficiency, the simple and safe handling, gentle product handling and the elimination of cleaning procedures. This type of technology is in high demand for pilot plants, university laboratories, and small-scale production by biopharmaceutical manufacturers, as it relies on the well-established technology of disk separators. The use of filtration technology can thus be reduced. The kytero 500 was developed for a capacity of up to 150 l/h and is thus suitable for laboratories and small batches. For reliable scale-up, another model will follow in the short term. The GEA experts succeeded in developing a single-use separator for the biopharmaceutical industry that offers the same high-quality performance as the stainless-steel separators commonly used to date. The proven feed system guarantees particularly gentle product treatment, and the vitality of shear-sensitive products is preserved. Product runs and scientific tests at the ZHAW School of Engineering in Zurich have confirmed this.

GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft, Düsseldorf

Hall 4.0, Booth G66

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