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Sieve analysis made easy

Sieve analysis made easy

Sieve analysis made easy
Alpine air jet sieve e200 LS with improved operating concept Picture: Hosokawa Alpine
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Hosokawa offers an operating concept for retrofitting older models of their Alpine air jet sieve e200 LS. These devices can be equipped with an intuitive touch display (HMI) and state-of-the-art operating software. The software offers application-specific functions that facilitate heavy-duty tasks with high throughputs in the minerals and cement industry as well as strictly regulated and document-intensive processes in the pharmaceutical or food industry. A total of four software packages offer the optimum solution for every type of process. Clearly understandable symbols and the choice between ten different languages ensure high operating comfort. To guarantee trouble-free operation in even the most rugged production and environmental conditions, the touch panel is covered with a layer of safety glass that is 3 mm thick.


Online search: cpp0218hosokawa

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