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Pills packaging according to Industry 4.0

Achema Pharma
Pills packaging according to Industry 4.0

Pills packaging according to Industry 4.0
R5-camera infeed system at the robotic blister line for controlling shape, colour, and thickness of pills Picture: Marchesini Group
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The robotic blister line Integra 320 from Marchesini Group is equipped with the 5-camera-infeed system Valida. This ensures the multi-vision control of the shape, thickness and colour of the pills. Additionally, the system has an NIR active ingredient recognition system. Process monitoring and control is carried out by means of a Scada system. This system checks the mechanical and functional state of the machine by constantly monitoring the quality parameters and informs the operator accordingly. Furthermore, a predictive maintenance system was added to pinpoint possible mechanical problems and suggest appropriate scheduled maintenance actions.


Online search: cpp0318marchesini

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