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Monitoring pumps from the cloud

Achema IIOT Process Engineering
Monitoring pumps from the cloud

Monitoring pumps from the cloud
The pump monitoring system enables existing pumps to be connected to the Internet of Things in just a few minutes Picture: KSB
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KSB present their pump monitoring system called KSB guard, which consists of networked vibration and temperature sensors fitted directly to the pump. The system makes sure that changes in the operating behaviour of the machine are detected at an early stage, and maintenance work can be better planned, even from a distance. The system is ideally suited for retrofitting, because the battery-powered sensor unit is attached to the bearing bracket or the drive lantern of the pump using a magnet or adhesive. This can be done during operation. Every hour data are transferred in encrypted form to the company cloud via a gateway. The current pump data, recorded trends as well as additional information about the pump are available on mobile phone, tablet, or PC. If data exceed a pre-defined limit value, the system creates warnings or alerts.


Online search: cpp0218ksb

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