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Modular Ex p control and monitoring system

Flexible assembly of Ex p control cabinets
Modular Ex p control and monitoring system

Modular Ex p control and monitoring system
The modular control and monitoring system x621 allows for flexible assembly of Ex p control cabinets Picture: R. Stahl
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With the Ex p x621 control and monitoring system, R. Stahl presents a modular solution for easier construction of pressurised control panels with Ex p type of protection. The combination of an Ex p control unit, Ex p pressure monitors that simultaneously also function as pressure outlets, and Ex p purge valves with digital and proportional control is able to meet all requirements, from very small enclosures with a volume of 10 l to Ex p control cabinets with volumes of 4000  l. In this way, the Ex p controller makes control processes available for all control cabinet sizes and enables them to be adjusted easily to meet users‘ requirements. The certified system is used in Ex Zone 1/21 as a redundant version and in Ex Zone 2/22 as a more cost-effective simple version.

R. STAHL Schaltgeräte GmbH; Waldenburg

Hall 11.1, Booth C45

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