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Measures even poor flow profiles

Achema Instrumentation & Automation
Measures even poor flow profiles

Measures even poor flow profiles
The Schmidt Inline mass flow sensor uses Multi-Point-Measurement technology Picture:  Schmidt Technology
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The measuring principle of thermal anemometry has been integrated into the Schmidt inline mass flow sensor with Multi-Point-Measurement (MPM). By using the MPM technology with its radial arrangement of four measuring points even poor flow profiles can be measured reliably and more accurately. Two parallel positioned sensor carriers integrated into the measuring section of the sensor carry the four high precision and fully independent flow sensor elements. A temperature sensor element, used to determine the air/gas temperature has been placed on a third carrier positioned between them.The inline sensor with MPM determines the flow velocity and the sensor sends out a linear current/pulse signal for the mass flow. No additional pressure or temperature measurement of the medium is required.


Online search: cpp0318schmidt

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