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IO-Link positioner for control valves

Smart control valves thanks to IO-Link
IO-Link positioner for control valves

IO-Link positioner for control valves
IO-Link positioner for pneumatic control valves Picture: Schubert & Salzer

The latest generation of the Schubert & Salzer 8049 digital positioner for pneumatic control valves is equipped with IO-Link. Diagnostic data from the controller and the valve are thus available to plant operating companies. Valve parameters such as dynamics, accuracy and characteristic curve can be adapted at any time without physical access. A single cable with an M12 plug bundles the positioning signal, position feedback, data transmission and even the power supply. The integration of the IO-Link industrial standard in its version 1.1.3 facilitates the installation and maintenance of the valves in complex plants. Incorrect connection is technically impossible due to the coded connecting plug. In case of a replacement the controller adopts the previously used parameterisation automatically.

Schubert & Salzer GmbH, Ingoldstadt

Hall 11.1, Booth F46

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