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Analyser for dissolved hydrogen

Self-diagnostic system integrated
Hydrogen analyser

Hydrogen analyser
Digox 6.1 H2-S anylser for dissolved hydrogen and hydrogen in the gas phase Picture: Dr. Thiedig
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Designed for process pressures up to 40 bar, the Digox 6.1 H2-S from Dr. Thiedig can measure dissolved hydrogen up to 10 ppm and up to 5 vol.-% in the gas phase. The Digox 6.1 H2-S is suitable for a wide range of industrial applications, such as in water-steam cycles, conventional and nuclear power plants as well as in the chemical and petrochemical industries.

The heart of the hydrogen measuring device is the sensor based on the principle of a fuel cell with a maintenance-free operating time of about 10 years. The measuring device has a built-in self-diagnostic system that monitors the function of the sensor without interrupting the normal operation.

Dr. Thiedig GmbH & Co KG, Berlin

Hall 11.1, Booth E63

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