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Explosion-proof enclosures

Achema Instrumentation & Automation
Explosion-proof enclosures

Explosion-proof enclosures
Adapted to process industry requirements, the glass fiber reinforced polyester (GRP) enclosure series is versatile in use Picture: Pepperl+Fuchs
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Pepperl+Fuchs developed an enclosure series with the aim of simplifying planning, mounting, and maintenance. Adapted to process industry requirements, the glass fiber reinforced polyester (GRP) enclosure series is being rolled out for terminal boxes and control units first.
It will be available for all Pepperl+Fuchs products and solutions in the future.

As early as the planning phase for a terminal box or control station in the GR series, plant designers will benefit from flexible device configuration. Based on customers’ needs, terminals and switching elements can be individually positioned on the 10 mm mounting rail—without the need for an additional mounting base. Spacers ensure that every single component can be mounted efficiently at different heights. Beyond the planning phase, the explosion-proof enclosures also offer a broad range of applications: Because the GR series can withstand temperatures of up to -60 °C, it can be used for applications in harsh environments.


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