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Ex d enclosure with pressure relief feature

Achema Instrumentation & Automation
Ex d enclosure with pressure relief feature

Ex d enclosure with pressure relief feature
When there is an explosion, Expressure enclosures ensure pressure relief using steel mesh. A rupture disk covers the pressure relief elements to protect them. Picture: R. Stahl
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The R. Stahl Expressure technology safely dissipates explosion pressure in control boxes, power distribution boards and other enclosures via flow channels in multi-layer stainless steel wire clothes. The controlled gas flow and heat absorption through special wire cloth elements reduce the internal pressure increase, that occurs after an explosion in the enclosure by several orders of magnitude compared to conventional Ex d enclosures. If explosion pressure increases from 7 to 12 bar, the maximum inner pressure in an Expressure enclosure is less than 1 bar. If previously, a wall thickness of 10 to 20 mm was required, Expressure enclosures can do the same thing with walls that are approx. 3 mm. Expressure is certified as an Ex d flameproof enclosure and is therefore suitable for most applications in gas hazardous areas. Instead of distributing the overall electrical function to several small- and thick-walled flameproof enclosures that have to be connected to each other using complex technologies, a single large flameproof installation space is sufficient for the whole control system or distribution board.


Online search: cppPC218stahl

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