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Electroreduction of CO2 into a range of chemicals

Product launch
Electroreduction of CO2 into a range of chemicals

Electroreduction of CO2 into a range of chemicals
Julia Aichorn and Andreas Schnitzhofer with the ECO2Cell Picture: Scott Jenkins

At a product launch Wednesday, GIG Karasek GmbH introduced the ECO2Cell, an electrochemical CO2-recycling technology that utilizes proprietary catalysts to convert captured CO2 into a range of chemicals. Using only water, CO2 and electricity as process inputs, the unit can make both single-carbon products, such as CO, formic acid and methanol, as well as multi-carbon products like ethanol and acetic acid.

The chemicals produced from CO2 depends on the manipulation of the reaction conditions and the level of voltage applied. “Product selection can be controlled by the choice of catalyst, the electrode materials, current density and electrolyte composition,” explains Andreas Schnitzhofer, managing director of GIG Karasek.

Along with a partner, GIG Karasek is developing proprietary catalysts for the ECO2Cell, which are coated onto the cathode. The electrochemical cell has three compartments, allowing the unit to generate multiple products simultaneously.

The laboratory-scale unit can convert up to 300 l/h of high-purity CO2 into CO, with H2 and O2 as byproducts. GIG Karasek is working on scaling up the ECO2Cell to industrially relevant sizes.

In addition to the ECO2Cell, GIG Karasek also launched the CompriVAP, an industrial heat-pump that recovers waste heat and converts it to steam using a mechanical vapor recompression (MVR) system. Low-temperature steam is compressed and raised to a higher energy level, lowering the amount of fresh steam required and reducing CO2 emissions, explained Julie Aichorn, GIG Karasek managing director.

Warm water can also be used as the heat source, but a flashing stage is required.

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