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Digital platform facilitates service

Achema IIOT Instrumentation & Automation
Digital platform facilitates service

Digital platform facilitates service
The customer service portal Grips.world enables remote access to production data of packaging plants Picture :Schubert

Schubert offers the digital platform Grips.world, which opens up the opportunity for predictive maintenance of the TLM packaging machines and communication with customers. The platform will enable customers to access the system production data from anywhere worldwide. Data sovereignty lies entirely with the customer, who has the opportunity to activate an access for a service technician. The collected data help to identify potential problems at an early stage, thereby avoiding downtime and unplanned service calls. In the future, the system will forward error messages or possible causes of an impending failure to the responsive employee, e.g. via mobile devices. The packaging machine is equipped with a particularly developed machine interface for secure remote maintenance and data transmission.

Gerhard Schubert

Hall 3.1, Booth G47

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