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Concentration measurement in containers

Achema Instrumentation & Automation
Concentration measurement in containers

Concentration measurement in containers
Container probe for microwave measurement, version with flushing device Picture: Berthold Technologies

Berthold offers container probes for microwave concentration measurements that have removable plastic caps with internal thread, which can be replaced on site if necessary. The antenna technology inside the probe has been completely redeveloped. It halves the transmission losses by better matching and field focusing. This ensures higher measurement accuracy and provides more dynamics.

The probe is offered in two versions, with and without flushing device. The container probes are delivered as a standard with a removal aid. Two large ringbolts on the front of the probe make it easy to disassemble. In case of sugar crystallisers, the probes are often stuck firmly because of the process. In this case, the ring bolts can be replaced by longer screws for disassembly.

Berthold Technologies

Hall 11.1, Booth E88

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