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Change-over valves with smart coupling

Change-over valves with smart coupling

Change-over valves with smart coupling
With the flexible and optimised lockable combination Leser’s change-over valves are adaptable to different inlet and outlet sizes of the safety valve Picture: Leser
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The typical lockable combinations of change-over valves available in the market often have a number of limitations. Some require the same nominal size of the change-over valve at the inlet as at the outlet of the safety valve. Therefore, the adaption of different sizes requires unstandardised modifications by using additional reducers, weldings or pipings. The downside to this solution: overall dimensions of the installations will grow in an unpredictable way. There are no standard solutions for lockable combinations including differently sized change-over valves. With the flexible and optimised lockable combination Leser’s change-over valves are adaptable to different inlet and outlet sizes of the safety valve. The unique features of the smart coupling like standardised flange distances through different sets of elbows make it possible to combine a smaller and bigger sized change-over valve also with different pressure ratings if required. Like this, no additional reducers, weldings or pipings are needed.


Online search: cpp0218leser

Hall 8.0, Booth J83

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