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Siemens and Bentley Systems developed Plantsight digital twin cloud services

Synchronising the real plant and its engineering representations
Siemens and Bentley Systems developed Plantsight digital twin cloud services

Siemens and Bentley Systems developed Plantsight digital twin cloud services
Plantsight brings together data from multiple 3D models including reality meshes in the one portal view, allowing rapid access to information that has previously been inaccessible. Picture: Bentley Systems

Siemens and Bentley Systems announced the introduction of Plantsight, resulting from development together based on their highly complementary software portfolios. Plantsight is a digital solution to benefit customers through more efficient plant operations. It enables as-operated and up-to-date digital twins which synchronise with both physical reality and engineering data, creating a holistic digital context for consistently understood digital components across disparate data sources, for any operating plant. Plant operators benefit from high trustworthiness and quality of information for continuous operational readiness and more reliability.

Every real-world operating plant is characterised by cumulative evolution, both to its brownfield physical condition and to the varied types and formats of theoretically corresponding engineering data. Accordingly, as-operated digital twins must reliably synchronise reflections of both the physical reality and its virtual engineering representations, comprehensively and accurately. Moreover, further frequent changes are inevitable. With Plantsight, every process plant owner-operator can realise the benefits of as-operated digital twins – without disruption to their existing physical or virtual environment.

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