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Ofru Recycling establishes subsidiary in USA

Solvent recycling systems
Ofru Recycling establishes subsidiary in USA

Ofru Recycling establishes subsidiary in USA
Ofru Headquarter in Alzenau, Germany Picture: Ofru

The German specialist for solvent recycling systems Ofru is set for expansion and establishes an independent sales company in New York City. 14 years ago, the South American market was consistently built up, with success. Today, numerous Ofru recycling machines are located there and clean an average of 1 to 10 tons of contaminated solvents per day. „We will successfully continue our business in the U.S. in order to be closer to our customers in the long term,“ says Managing Director Denis Kargol. „We have a clear strategy of global expansion. Our machines are operating in more than 81 countries, treating an average of more than 15 million liters of solvent annually. Our German technology makes an active contribution to environmental protection.“ Ofru achieved initial success with a plant supplied to Texas.

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