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Jumo defies the crisis with innovations

Confidence despite Corona
Jumo defies the crisis with innovations

Jumo defies the crisis with innovations
he Jumo management looks to the future with confidence. (from left) Bernhard Juchheim (Managing Director and Shareholder), Dimitrios Charisiadis (Managing Director), Michael Juchheim (Managing Director and Shareholder). Picture: Jumo

During a virtual press conference, Jumo GmbH & Co. KG reviewed the past months and gave an outlook on the future of the company. Despite Corona, the overall balance of the managing directors was positive. „2021 was a year of restrictions, and even this year we have not yet reached the end of the tunnel with regard to the Corona pandemic,“ said Managing Director and Partner Bernhard Juchheim, summarizing the situation. He added that Jumo has so far come through the crisis generally unscathed: „The most important message is that although there have been some serious bouts of illness, there have been no fatalities among our approximately 2400 employees.“

Economically, the Corona pandemic nevertheless left a clear mark: „We ended 2020 with a drop in sales of around 6 % compared to the previous year. In 2021, we were able to start a race to catch up with above-average order intake and sales figures, but we are currently feeling the global material shortage all the more“, Managing Director Dimitrios Charisiadis said. Overall, the forecast for the current year is nevertheless positive.

For the future, Jumo is focusing on clear strategic goals, which Managing Director Michael Juchheim explained: „On the one hand, we will supplement and round off our portfolio with new measurement variables on the basis of a very clear industry focus. Secondly, as a solution provider for the automation industry, we want to drive forward the digitalisation of our customers. The third pillar of growth is the expansion of service and training offerings for our customers.“

A large number of new products show that Jumo has not sat back and taken it easy, even under pandemic conditions. In addition to various measurement technologies, the company presented the browser-based Jumo Smartware Evaluation software, which enables intuitive evaluation and visualisation of process data from the Varitron automation system.

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