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100 years of Kaeser Kompressoren

A tradition of innovation
100 years of Kaeser Kompressoren

100 years of Kaeser Kompressoren
Kaeser is selling its compressors worldwide. The size of the customers ranges from craftsmen‘s businesses to large-scale industry. Picture: Kaeser Kompressoren

Kaeser Kompressoren is celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2019. Established in 1919 as a machine workshop in Coburg by Carl Kaeser Sr., the company has developed into a compressor manufacturer and provider of compressed air system solutions with a global presence – while remaining true to its roots. It all began with a small operation producing gears and overhauling automobile engines. Capitalising on its expertise in engine manufacturing, in 1948 Kaeser took the groundbreaking decision to add reciprocating compressors to its range of products. That was the first big milestone.

Further challenges emerged during the mid-1960s. In retrospect, it may perhaps be described as the first technological shift. Screw compressors came onto the market. Once again, Kaeser spearheaded the change with its very own invention: Sigma Profile was born. Developed in-house, it is a rotary screw airend with a special energy-efficient rotor profile that was groundbreaking at the time. Since then, Sigma Profile has been the centrepiece of every Kaeser rotary screw compressor.

This innovative spirit pervades the company to this day, resulting in a steady stream of innovations in compressed air technology and applying equally to hardware, software and services. From the refrigeration dryer to the controllers Sigma Air Manager 4.0, from the portable compressor to completely new business models, where the customer basically only purchases the compressed air, through to digitalisation and Industrie 4.0, Kaeser still blazes a trail in the industry for the cost-effective, reliable, efficient generation and use of compressed air

The company‘s early international expansion was a vital aspect of its growth. The first branch opened in Switzerland in 1978, with Austria and France following hot on its heels. Today, Kaeser has more than 50 own subsidiaries and is represented by exclusive contract partners in over 100 countries. Kaeser Kompressoren employs in excess of 6000 staff worldwide, many of whom have been loyal for decades.. Despite its truly global presence, this family-owned company has never lost sight of its German roots and has been a byword for ‚Made in Germany‘ quality for 100 years.

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