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Directly on the motor mounted servo pump

With self-lubricating internal toothing
Directly on the motor mounted servo pump

Directly on the motor mounted servo pump
The leakage flow of Baumüller‘s servo pump is used for the permanent lubrication of the gear tooth system Picture: Baumüller

Baumüller’s servo pump combines the advantages of hydraulic power transmission with the benefits of electric servo drive technology. The intelligent control of the drive and the low energy consumption of the components, especially in the partial load range, results in a highly energy-efficient and yet economical solution. And the latest enhancement of the servo pump solution offers further advantages. For example, the servo pump is mounted directly on the motor with an internal toothing, which has a shorter installation length and therefore a smaller machine installation area. Furthermore, direct mounting means that several mechanical parts are no longer required.

Another advantage is the intelligent use of hydraulic oil as a
lubricant for the gear tooth
system. In both the motor and the constant pump, existing connections allow the hydraulic oil to be returned to the circulation system, thus allowing the leakage flow of the pump to be used for the permanent lubrication of the gear tooth system. There is no need for a grease
lubrication of the internal
toothing, which is required every 3000 operating hours on average. The machine can operate without interruption, thus increasing productivity.

The motor can be installed horizontally or vertically, depending on the application.


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