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Krohne celebrates its 100th anniversary

Kick-off on June 7 with the opening of digital fair Krohne Insights
Krohne celebrates its 100th anniversary

Krohne celebrates its 100th anniversary
The start of digital fair Krohne Insights on June 7 marks the anniversary kick-off Picture: Krohne

Krohne is celebrating its 100th anniversary. With the main message „The Spirit of Creativity“, the anniversary highlights the sides of the company that go beyond measuring technology: „Krohne is a multi-layered combination of values. Our goal is to offer added value with our products, solutions and services. We can achieve this only by knowing or even anticipating the wishes of our customers from various industries and their applications,“ explains CEO Dr Attila Michael Bilgic. „Meeting them requires creative ideas that equally drive technical innovation and organisational development, and continue to help Krohne to accomplish pioneering achievements.“

„The foundation for this is our family-oriented and appreciative corporate culture and Krohne‘s special connection to art,“ adds Michael Rademacher-Dubbick, Chairman of the Advisory Board and spokesman for the owner family.

The anniversary kicks off with the start of Krohne Insights: the digital fair offers an overview of trends and industry topics in the form of industry-specific exhibition rooms with video messages as well as live presentations. At the same time, visitors have the opportunity to learn more about the spirit of the company and the anniversary in a 100 year Krohne showroom. Krohne Insights will be accessible worldwide and in 12 languages from June 7 at insights.krohne.comm. Parallel to that Krohne is also going live with the anniversary website krohne.com/100years. It bundles all information on the anniversary that will include many different activities to which Krohne will to invite and involve customers, partners and employees alike.

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