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Connected filtration monitoring service

Monitoring dust collectors
Connected filtration monitoring service

Connected filtration monitoring service
Icue subscription-based filtration monitoring service remotely monitors a facility‘s dust collectors and provides operational insights directly to end users Picture: Donaldson

Donaldson’s Icue subscription-based filtration monitoring service remotely monitors a facility’s dust collectors and provides operational insights directly to end users. This information can help manufacturers reduce unplanned downtime, support efficient maintenance and operations, and automatically collect compliance and sustainability data. The eighth version of the service includes three new features: Fan energy monitoring allows users to assess the energy requirements of a dust collector, with both fan performance and daily energy consumption metrics. Bin level monitoring alerts users when the dust bin is almost full, so they always know when to empty the bin and can avoid filter damage and mess caused by overflowing dust. This sensor is particularly useful in operations where bins fill up frequently. Pulse valve condition monitoring has been expanded to work on headers with up to three manifolds to detect compressed air problems or failed pulse valves that can affect filter life. This feature helps users avoid unplanned downtime and emergency repairs.

Donaldson Company, Inc., Leuven, Belgien

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