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Atex-approved flowmeter

Measuring with acoustic surface waves
Atex-approved flowmeter

Atex-approved flowmeter
The Flowave flowmeter is now available as an Atex versio Picture: Bürkert

Bürkert Fluid Control Systems offers its Flowave flowmeter Type 8098 as an Atex-certified version up to Ex zone 2 for production processes in potentially explosive atmospheres. The compact and lightweight device measures the volume flow independent of the medium’s conductivity and is, therefore, also suitable for measuring ultrapure water and alcohols. The flow sensor also measures the temperature and the density factor and can quickly and reliably detect any media change, e. g. during rinsing processes. It supports EDIP (Efficient Device Integration Platform) for easy digital integration into the system control.

The flowmeter operates according to the SAW method (Surface Acoustic Waves). When using this measuring principle with acoustic surface waves, there are no dead legs or sensor elements in the measuring tube. The CIP/SIP-capable flowmeters can thus be cleaned just as easily as normal pipelines, which reduces operating costs. All media contacting parts are made of stainless steel. The sensors thus meet the highest hygiene standards and facilitate the validation of production or cleaning processes.

Bürkert Fluid Control Systems, Ingelfingen, Germany

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