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Intelligent chemical management system

Energy & Environment
Intelligent chemical management system

Intelligent chemical management system
The Veritrax intelligent chemical management system from Clariant offers oil and gas producers a fully transparent, automatic chemical control, monitoring and ordering system Picture: Clariant

The Veritrax intelligent chemical management system from Clariant offers oil and gas producers a fully transparent, automatic chemical control, monitoring and ordering system that optimises chemical management tasks and labor-intensive processes, resulting in a significant reduction in total operating costs. It can be fully integrated into existing production setups such as Scada and DCS systems and provides a continuous real-time data flow that is delivered directly to a laptop or smartphone. It allows customers to monitor multiple data streams, such as well production and chemical injection rates, and to optimise inventory management, with new chemical deliveries coordinated automatically. Additionally, continuous system monitoring alerts the operator to potential problems, allowing rapid interventions to minimise production losses.


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