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Test method to assess water safety

Achema Instrumentation & Automation
Test method to assess water safety

Researchers investigating nutrient runoff, and water quality and wastewater treatment operators can now benefit from a new American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard that utilises the powerful separation capabilities of ion chromatography for the simultaneous determination of total nitrogen and phosphorous concentrations.

 Developed in conjunction with the ASTM, the “D8001 Test Method for Determination of Total Nitrogen, Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen by Calculation, and Total Phosphorus in Water and Waste Water by Ion Chromatography” allows users to concurrently monitor total nitrogen (organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrate and nitrite) as nitrate and total phosphorus as orthophosphate in unfiltered water samples.

Thermo Fisher’s method provides a reliable instrumental method for the determination of the target analytes in water, in place of traditional multiple and complex wet chemical methods, with the opportunity for accumulative errors.


Online search: cpp0218thermofisher

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