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Easy control of vacuum systems

Achema Instrumentation & Automation
Easy control of vacuum systems

Easy control of vacuum systems
Vacuum controller CVC 3000 detect, desktop version Picture: Vacuubrand

CVC 3000 detect by Vacuubrand is a compact two-point vacuum controller for connection to existing vacuum pumps or vacuum networks. It features an integrated chemistry vacuum valve and is easy to install. Electronic vacuum control increases the efficiency of the laboratory process, such as for solvent recovery on a rotary evaporator, and protects the environment. The device automatically finds the boiling pressure of a solvent, even when working with complex solvent mixtures. Excessive foaming and the resulting loss of sample material can be prevented. A built-in programming function also enables the setting of individual pressure-time profiles, so that more complex applications can be carried out automatically and with accurate reproducibility. The device is available as desktop version as well as for scaffold mounting.


Hall 8.0, Booth F53

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